I know the picture is a little fuzzy, but I think it's a pretty good shot. Kamryn is now the owner of a big, fat lip. Who knew swimming could be so dangerous!? After I got back from a church meeting, it was so nice and the kids really wanted to go swimming. So, we got everything together and headed to the gym. We had planned on staying about an hour, but didn't make it that long. We swam for a little and picked up rings and stuff (the usual) then I brought Kamryn over to the deeper side so she could jump to me and swim back to the wall. Riley had been swimming around on her own but decided she needed to swim through my legs. So, they were kind of taking turns, but we all know how that can work out. So, Riley had just swum through my legs and was now behind me and I told her to wait so Kamryn could jump to me. Riley either didn't hear or didn't listen and came through anyway. Kamryn, thinking Riley was out of the way started her jump (more like a belly flop/dive thing). Well, their heads got to the same spot in the water at about the same time and I ended up with a screaming little girl. I knew it was going to happen, but I could do nothing to stop it either. After the collision, I got Kamryn (a good thing since she was not swimming but screaming) and headed to the side of the pool. I instantly saw blood but figured out it was only her lip. I jumped out and took her over and grabbed a towel for her to put over her mouth. One of the lifeguards came over to look at her and another parent ran inside to get some ice. So, I wrapped Kamryn up in her towel and got her ice all squared away so she could keep it on her lip. Riley knew they had bumped, but didn't really know that Kamryn was hurt. So, I got back in the pool and gathered up all our rings and stuff and let Riley know what happened and that we had to leave. It was while we were drying off and getting changed that Riley realized she had a sore spot on her head. I don't know if it will turn into a bruise or not, but she got some ice too just to be safe. So, 30 minutes into our swimming we were already leaving. Kamryn plans on telling everyone that Riley hit her. I've tried explaining that Riley didn't "hit" but rather they just crashed into each other. We'll see how it works out tomorrow. I also had to explain to each of them why it's important to LISTEN in the pool and to LOOK before you leap. Hopefully, they'll take the lessons to heart and the rest of our pool adventures will be less exciting.
I don't know if you can see the red spot, but it's there
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