Kamryn's K3 Class waiting for the events to start!
Kamryn's school had Field Day on Friday. since Riley went to school here when she was little, Doug and I knew what to expect. Kamryn, however, didn't want any clues or anything. She wanted to be surprised. So, Friday rolled around and she knew they would be playing games and wearing regular clothes, but that was about it. The kids had so much fun! They keep the K3-K4 group together, but they compete only with those in their class and by genders. The events were things like baseball toss, broad jump, bunny hop, simon says, egg and spoon race, etc. Everyone gets a ribbon and they also give out ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each event. Kamryn did a good job and really tried. She got some good ribbons (she won Simon says for the girls in her class after she finally realized NOT to do everything her teacher said and focus on what "simon" said), but our favorite part was that she was recognized for her good sportsmanship. We told her that award was better than any ribbon she could get. The day ended with the kids (and parents) getting a lunch of pizza and cookies. It was really fun day! While I know it seems a little early for field day, I'm glad that it's done and it wasn't too hot. I'm guessing that is why they always choose a Friday in early March. Or, maybe it's to give the older kids a break before FCAT testing starts later in the month. Either way, it was great! 
Getting ready to throw it as far as she could
Kamryn and her best friend Taylor and her friend Peyton
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