Friday, February 13, 2009

Update of the family

Luckily, nobody got real sick (well Riley did on Wed, but I don't think it was related). My sister in law made it home with her girls that day (Saturday) with hardly any incident. She did say our niece was really pale and weak at the airport, but she hadn't had any food and hardly anything to drink so that is understandable. I know she (our niece) felt better the next day and went back to school on Monday. I don't think her sister has been as lucky. It seems like she gets better for a day or two and then either gets sick or runs a fever. I feel so bad for her (and the rest of the family). Hopefully, she'll kick it soon and nobody else will get it.

I need to take a moment and let my niece know how proud we are of her. We all know it is no fun getting sick and like being in our home with our comfort items, etc. She got sick at night, in a strange house (meaning not hers) and without her mom to comfort her. I know adults who would not have coped as well as she did. Although she felt better in the morning, she also didn't complain about having to leave and go back to the hotel. We know she had really been looking forward to this trip and seeing her cousins so some tears or pouting would have been warranted, but there wasn't any. At least, not at our house. What a trooper!! We look forward to another visit from them so the girls (all four) will get some proper playtime. Then I'll have pictures I can post and scrapbook!

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