Friday, February 20, 2009

Homemade Surprise

You may have seen this on other blogs; you sign up to receive something homemade and crafty, and then you pay it forward by doing the same thing for 3 people who sign up to do it on your blog.

So here’s how it works:

1.Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post and I will send you a handmade gift sometime in the next 3 months.

2.You get to pay it forward as well by doing the same thing for 3 people on your blog, plus one back to me. Once you leave a comment telling me that you want to participate, you need to make a pay-it-forward post on your blog within one day.

3.Get crafting!

Go right ahead and be the first three. You never know what you might get! I have some friends who are super crafty, but I'll have to do some serious thinking about this.


Emily said...

Count me in!

anchik66 said...

I am in. ALready have this post on my blog, though.