Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kamryn's Soccer

Doug and Kamryn before a game
Kamryn played soccer again this spring (her third 'season'). She had fun on "Team Cars" and there was even a girl from her class on her team. This wasn't the best team she has played on but all of the kids enjoyed playing and tried their hardest. Isn't that all you can ask of 3 and 4 year olds? It was fun watching them run around at practice and at the games. The season lasts eight weeks and that is just long enough. Fortunately, it didn't get too unbearably hot during the season and we only had one practice rained out.

Kamryn and Coach Matt

Kamryn and Jordynne (her friend from school who was on her team)

Dribbling the ball

Going after the ball

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