Monday, January 26, 2009


I said I would post some pictures of the girls with their stage make-up on. Plus, I have one of Doug after being given a face and eye massage from Riley, Kamryn and two friends during a sleepover one night. The girls also have been busy taking pictures with their cameras so I'm going to include some of them as well.

This wouldn't be too bad if Riley didn't have lipstick all over her teeth.
I forgot to flip the picture around, but you get the idea. Doug is such a good sport. That nail polish, while cheap, is hard to get off (it actually comes off better in water than with nail polish remover). The girls thought this was so much fun!!

This was actually taken with a little tikes camera Kamryn got for Christmas. She loves taking pictures and now has her own camera so she'll leave mine alone (I hope).

The kids came home one day on Christmas break saying they were going to make a big pile of leaves. I thought that sounded like fun so I let Riley take the camera to get a picture. This was their big pile of leaves they were going to play and jump in!

I just thought this picture was funny. The girls (mom included) got these wonderful headbands to wear during the holidays. I'm not sure why the headband is just hanging out, but I guess they thought this would be a good picture. It makes me laugh!

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