Saturday, October 25, 2008


Cheerleading officially ended for our Tiny Mite squad last weekend. Pop Warner held a exhibition for the Tiny Mites and Mighty Mites that was set up like a competition. The only real difference was that we didn't actually get judged or receive scores. Each squad had roughly 2 minutes to perform a cheer, do a stunt or two, and dance. Our girls did awesome! They had practiced really hard and it showed. They hit their routine really well and had fun doing it. All those who we know who were there said they would have placed in the top two easy. That made the girls (and us coaches) feel great! Not only did they learn that routine, they learned almost 60 cheers to perform at the games. I'm so proud of the girls and the work they put into the season. They also really had fun! Go South Lake Eagles!!

That being said, we don't know if Riley will cheer again. She enjoys it, but it gets hectic and we definitely want family, school and church to come first. We'll have to see how our schedule plays out for next year.

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