Sunday, October 18, 2009


School is in full swing and so are the girls. The past two years the start of school has also meant the start of dance, soccer and cheer leading. This year was different, it's just dance. Doug and I decided last year that if Riley was going to dance several days a week then that would be all she would be doing. She would be starting Activity Days at church after she turned 8 and we really wanted to be sure her grades stayed up. She missed cheer, but hasn't missed soccer (at least not that she has mentioned). She really wanted to focus on dance this year and she is. She is there several days a week and LOVES it. She doesn't always get everything, but she really tries and practices different things at home frequently (that has never happened before). If there was anything else she would like to do it would be golf lessons. Unfortunately, they are the same time as dance. Doug could take her out to practice but it hasn't happened yet. Now that we are having better weather maybe we can work it into the day. Kamryn would be playing soccer, but mom was a slacker and forgot to go and register. Our YMCA has registration on one night and if you don't go then you pay an extra $20 for a late fee. I'm not willing to pay that so she'll have to wait for spring. I'm hoping in the spring she'll be old enough to play for South Lake Soccer which does everything on Friday nights. At least I could probably work that into my schedule better. Kamryn is dancing though. She has classes some of the same days as Riley which works out well for us. So for now, it's pretty much just least until spring.

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