Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Tooth bites the Dust!

Riley has had a loose tooth forever. In fact, a friend of hers lost a tooth on Labor Day when we were camping and Riley's tooth was loose then. She likes to wait until their is nothing holding them in her mouth. Evidenced by how she has lost them - one came out while drinking a smoothie, one fell out while riding her bike, and one she pulled on her own. This last one is the best though. She and Kamryn were rough-housing on the bed with Doug (I think he was the monster and they were attacking him). Anyway, Riley went to "bite" Doug in the stomach as a way to attack or get free. In doing this, her tooth came out. Luckily, she didn't swallow it. I guess the tooth was no match for Doug's rock hard abs! She has three teeth loose on the top and it will probably be months before she loses them! I guess this is better than the way I had to loose them - all but one pulled by the dentist because my roots never dissolved enough.

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