Sunday, September 28, 2008


Friday night was the strangest night I have ever had with Riley. As you are aware, Riley is tall for her age and thus looks older. Usually, she tries to act older as well. It always seems she is trying to grow up so fast (i.e. wanting to look "sassy" for her pictures on Wednesday). Well, as I was putting her to bed on Friday she started crying. She sat in my lap on the floor for a good half hour crying because she didn't want to grow up. She said she didn't want to get big and wanted to stay 6. I was puzzled as we've heard nothing but what she wants for her birthday for the past few months. As I tried to get her to tell me why, it seems she doesn't want to grow up because then she'll be too big to play in the kid area at IKEA. Now, we haven't been to IKEA in at least 6 months, but she is still afraid that when we go again, she will be above the line and will have to stay and shop with me and miss out on all the fun (I think she said something about a ball pit). Even though I was trying to be comforting and understanding, I couldn't believe this was Riley. I was worried she would soon be out of her dress up/princess phase, but I think it will here for a little longer. We sometimes forget that she really is just 6 (almost 7) and this was a good reminder. Of course, when I told Doug he didn't believe me (he even laughed) but he was glad she still wanted to be "our little girl"!

The girls

The girls have been very busy since school started. Our week always seems to fly by due to their activities. Monday we are at dance for Riley, then we head off the cheer for her. Tuesday is tumbling for Riley and then cheer. Wednesday Kamryn has dance and soccer practice. Thursday, Riley has either cheer or dance competition rehearsal. Friday we have nothing. Saturday morning finds Doug taking Kamryn to soccer and Riley and I going to football games. Luckily, we're all back home by around 11:00am. Some of our friends think we are crazy, but our kids really enjoy this. We always find time for school work as that is more important than activities. We also eat together as a family on the nights that Doug is off. If it were up to Riley, she would probably add more things to do. She has started talking about taking guitar, piano, and violin. We say hold on and let's get through the activities we already have. The funny thing is, cheer and soccer both end at the end of October. It would be better to have things more spread out, but that is not how it seems to happen around here. As soon as I remember to take (or send) the camera to some events, I'll post pictures.


Last Sunday, Doug and I celebrated our 12th anniversary!! Since it was Sunday, we didn't do anything crazy. We went to church like normal and then spent the evening with friends (also something we do practically every Sunday anyway). Even though we've been married for 12 years, we dated for four before that so we've know each other for quite awhile. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive and loving husband. He keeps me on track and out of debt, both of which I appreciate. He works hard so that I can stay home with the girls. Now that they are both in school, I am able to help out in the classroom. Plus, Doug and I have almost every morning together. Usually we're at the track or gym working out, but at least we're together. Tuesday, we actually celebrated our anniversary with a session at the Temple and then lunch at one of our favorite restaurants - Seasons 52. It was a wonderful way to celebrate (and was much cheaper since it wasn't a typical anniversary evening). I look forward to many more years together!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Terrific Kid!

Friday, Riley was recognized as a Terrific Kid! Each elementary school in the area does this and it's sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. At Pine Ridge, each teacher nominates a student from their class. We were excited because this was the first one of the year. They had a little program where the parents could come watch their children get recognized. They get a certificate, a pencil and a free meal at Chick-fil-A. Then there was a little snack and time to head back to class. Doug even put the bumper sticker on his car - which is a first. We are very proud of Riley and how she is doing in school this year. Her teacher is really nice and wants the students to do the best they can. On Monday, Riley will be the "star of the week" in her class. We've been asked to send in her favorite book and several pictures and also to join her for lunch. I plan on volunteering this week so I can see what her teacher does with these things in class. We're guessing Riley might have to explain why the pictures are her favorite and explain about the book. It's a good thing Riley isn't shy in the speaking department (at least she isn't in church). Hopefully that will carry over if she has to get up in front of the class and talk. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Grandpa John left Saturday morning to head back home. He planned to stop and see some family and sneak in a round of golf on his way. We hope he was able to accomplish that and make it home safely. We had fun while he was here and he got to spend some time with the girls at their various activities and see how school is for them. Come back and see us soon!

We also need to send a Happy Birthday shout out to Riley and Kamryn's cousin Michael who is turning 7 today! Hope you have a GREAT day!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This week, Grandpa John has come for a visit. The girls have had fun telling him about school and taking him places. He has been to dance with both girls (Kamryn liked him watching, Riley did not) and to soccer with Kamryn. Somehow, he has missed cheerleading with Riley, but he has still gotten to hear some cheers. It's been fun having him around and he has helped with the girls. He watched them a little on Monday so I could go to Riley's open house at school with no little distractions. He has even had time to get out on the golf course with Doug a few times. Tomorrow he is taking Kamryn and they are going to see my stepmother's niece and her daughter who is just a little older than Kamryn. We're all hoping they hit it off and have fun playing! Grandpa plans on taking the camera so hopefully he can get a good picture of them. On Friday, he plans on watching both girls so I can enjoy a girls night out! What a great dad and grandpa!! Next time, we hope Grandma Jayne can come with him.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Me Time

Today, I had some good ME time. After the kids had left for school, I headed for the gym where I took a class that totally killed me. Then, once I was all clean, I went shopping. I had heard that Coldwater Creek was opening an outlet store here in Orlando. So, I went to check it out. I was able to get in some kid free shopping and found some great deals! The store is HUGE and I can't wait to go back because I didn't get to see everything. It's a good thing Kamryn likes to stay and have lunch at school and then take a nap. That is how I'm afforded this shopping time. I'm also fortunate that my husband indulges and often encourages me to do these types of things every once in awhile - have me time, not always money spending shopping me time! That is the best kind though!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Fun

For Labor Day this year we got together with a group of friends to plan something. Our idea was to go camping. Then we remembered it's still summer here in Florida which means heat, humidity, and rain. We compromised and camped in the cabins at Fort Wilderness at Disney. There were four families sharing 2 cabins. We were lucky and actually had decent weather. Sunday was a overcast, humid, and breezy but no rain. We ate dinner and then went to the camp fire sing-a-long. We had fun roasting marshmallows and making smores. Then the kids got up and danced. Chip and Dale even stopped by for a visit. After a late night, we spent Monday at the pool having fun! When most of the kids were tired and the adults definitely were, we decided to call it a day. It was fun to spend such a great time with our friends - the Tittsworths, the Sangsters, and the Palfreymans. The only down side was that Doug had to work due to the holiday so he couldn't join us. More than one kid (7 were there) has asked their parents to go back. We do plan on it sometime in the fall/winter when we could try tent camping and it might actually be tolerable. I'm sure Doug will make sure he's working for that adventure!