Saturday, January 31, 2009


Just wanted to wish my mom a happy birthday! Her birthday is tomorrow and we want her to know we'll be thinking of her! Thanks for being a great mom and grandma.

We also want to wish Josie a happy birthday because her special day in Monday! You are an awesome sister-in-law and aunt and we're glad you're part of our family!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Birthday Background

I decided to change the background since Kamryn's birthday is approaching. It's hard to believe that she'll be 4!! It seems like yesterday that she was born. She is such a wonderful little girl and is usually happy and cuddly. Of course, being a girl, she can pout and whine with the best of them. We try and not give in when she acts like that and often say we can't understand her until she acts like a big girl. This usually works and is much easier to deal with. She often thinks she is older than she is and tries to keep up with her sister and the other kids in the neighborhood. In fact, she wanted to have a sleepover for her birthday and the "friends" she wanted to invite are all middle school girls that have babysat for us over the last year and dance at the same studio. We tried to explain to her why that wouldn't work and then she wanted one with friends her age. Finally, we got her to agree to something else (her original idea). She is SO excited for her party! It's still a few weeks away, but she is ready!!

Tree Fun

Kamryn getting ready for the big event! She had to wear her fire hat since there would be a fire that night!
Now to explain. Every Sunday (or almost every one) we get together with friends for Sunday dinner. This started years ago and the main group is a family (mom, dad, kids and their spouses and kids) and the rest of us just get adopted into the group. The first Sunday after New Year's (or pretty close) we bring all the trees and do a big tree burning. That night we also roast hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire. We've done this for a few years (my friend's blog says five) and the kids (that could read husbands) always have a blast. I finally remembered to bring my camera to get a few pictures of the event.
The "before" picture and start of the fire. As you can see, there is more than just trees here (one year we even had a couch).

The fire not long after it started. It was huge and HOT!

The kids watching and wondering just how they are going to roast their hot dogs on that huge fire. Luckily, we have some very smart dads who started a smaller fire where we actually cooked the hot dogs and roasted the marshmallows. Of course, it wasn't cold, but it rarely is when we do this. The cold snap is usually about a week later.


I said I would post some pictures of the girls with their stage make-up on. Plus, I have one of Doug after being given a face and eye massage from Riley, Kamryn and two friends during a sleepover one night. The girls also have been busy taking pictures with their cameras so I'm going to include some of them as well.

This wouldn't be too bad if Riley didn't have lipstick all over her teeth.
I forgot to flip the picture around, but you get the idea. Doug is such a good sport. That nail polish, while cheap, is hard to get off (it actually comes off better in water than with nail polish remover). The girls thought this was so much fun!!

This was actually taken with a little tikes camera Kamryn got for Christmas. She loves taking pictures and now has her own camera so she'll leave mine alone (I hope).

The kids came home one day on Christmas break saying they were going to make a big pile of leaves. I thought that sounded like fun so I let Riley take the camera to get a picture. This was their big pile of leaves they were going to play and jump in!

I just thought this picture was funny. The girls (mom included) got these wonderful headbands to wear during the holidays. I'm not sure why the headband is just hanging out, but I guess they thought this would be a good picture. It makes me laugh!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Long Weekend

Riley has had a long weekend off of school. Today is a holiday and they are both out, but Friday Riley was off due to it being the end of the nine weeks and semester. Knowing we would have time on our hands, I tried to plan something, but it didn't work out (too much money). But, since the kids didn't know anything about that anyway, we still had fun. Riley was my helper as we drove to Palatka (2 hours away) to pick up some dance props. She. of course, wanted to play with friends and she was able to do so. We had a sleepover with a set of twins in her class. Riley had all these ideas - dance, make overs, dress up, dolls, etc. She's played with these girls before at their house so I'm not sure why she thought this would work. the twins are NOT girly girls. They are into dragons and dinosaurs so the dancing, dolls and make up were out. Well, they found a way to use the make up, just not on themselves. Doug was actually home that night from work (a request from Riley) and the girls had fun "giving hi an eye and face massage". He is such a good sport! The girls actually made up stories and put on a play, but they never showed us. Oh well! Considering it was a house full of girls, they all behaved quite well and actually got some sleep!

I did do some make-up stuff with Riley and Kamryn, but on a different day. In order to get ready for competition, I wanted to try and put make-up on Riley. Last year, she was just in Thriller and only needed to look like a zombie type person. This year, she is in a piece that actually requires real make-up (down to the eyeliner and false eyelashes). Now, I've never worn eyelashes so I was a little hesitant. Fortunately, I had asked around last year before I bought mine so I looked for some that might fit and that would have a thing to hold the eyelash better while I put on the adhesive. It worked. I'm glad I tried everything though because now I won't be as nervous and will do things even better. I did learn that liquid eyeliner doesn't work on Riley (or Kamryn for that matter) because they smudge it somehow onto their eyelid. Anyway, I ended up making up both girls (no eyelashes for Kamryn) and then they put on a show for me. It was quite funny. I did get a picture so I'll have to get it in the computer so I can post it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kamryn Funnies

Kamryn is so funny sometimes. she totally makes me laugh (and cry). The other day as Doug was leaving for work she wouldn't give him any hugs or kisses. She gets in those moods sometimes, mostly because Riley acts that way too. Anyway, the rest of our day goes on like normal - she was playing, Riley came home from school, dinner, etc. so, we say prayers and she goes to bed. Well, I've tucked them both in and said goodnight and I'm in the other room when I hear her crying. I thought it was over something silly (not unusual for a little girl), but I was wrong. She was totally upset that her dad was work at the Animal Kingdom and not at home with us. She ended up crying herself to sleep because Doug was not here. Another day, we were driving to church and she asked where the witch's tower was. I asked her what she said and she repeated her question. Luckily, Riley knew that she meant the Citrus Tower (a big tower that sits on top of a hill here in Clermont). We can usually see the Citrus Tower when we drive just about anywhere in Clermont, but going to church is the opposite direction so you can't see it. It was just so funny how she said it. Kamryn is such a sweet girl and usually full of hugs and kisses. She tries hard to keep up with her sister. I can't wait to see how her personality continues to grow as she does!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


OK, I know I'm behind, but I think I finally got all of our Christmas decorations down. It is never fun taking them down. Going up, there is the excitement of the season, the fun with the family, and the help. The decorations always go up faster because there is always help. Coming down is a different story. My kids really want no part of the undecorating, they just keep reminding me that we have our stuff up and others don't. I can't blame Doug because he would help if he were here, but when I usually have time (and feel motivated) to work on undecorating, he is at work. Oh well. At least everything is now in the garage awaiting the return trip to the attic. That, I will have to have Doug help me with because some of our bins are heavy. Plus, this year I thought I was being smart and bought one of those bags to hold our artificial tree (actually big enough to hold both our trees), but it is WAY heavy and I know, even with Doug doing most of the lifting, it will be hard to get in the attic. Now, I just have to figure out what to put on my door. Is it too early for some hearts?

Monday, January 5, 2009

20 Years!

This is not how long we've been married, but it is how long Doug has worked for Disney. Today, he officially will have been there 20 years. It's amazing! He thought that he would be here for a very short time (i think he once told me not even a year) but he was wrong. During his 20 years he has worked a ton of places. He started at the Polynesian Resort as a seating host in one of the restaurants. Then, he thought cooking looked like fun so he gave that a try which led to a 3 year culinary program (yes, for those of you who don't know, he is a certified chef and can make just about anything) where he worked all over property. We actually met as he was finishing up this program. Then, he came back to the front of the house as we in the restaurant world call it and quickly became a lead (Disney no longer had these positions). Instead of going into management, he wisely chose to become a server. He "learned the ropes" at Olivia's at Old Key West and then went to open the California Grill. He worked at the Grill for a long time and it is still one of our favorite places to eat. Then, as we were preparing for Riley to join our family, he decided he wanted to make a change as well. So, he applied and was chosen to work at Boma and was on the opening team for the restaurant. He truly loves working here and we REALLY enjoy eating there. During these 20 years he has toyed with the idea of leaving more than once, but we are glad that he always chose to stay. The girls and I are very proud of him and we're glad that he works at "the happiest place on earth!" Way to go Doug!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Return to Schedules!

I'm sure some people will think I'm crazy, but I can't wait for school to start again tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the holidays and spending time with family, but I'll be glad to get back to our routine. I have a few friends who think we are way to busy, but the girls and I like it that way. They had fun playing with friends, but they were always looking for something to do, Riley especially. She just couldn't sit still and relax. So for that reason, I say yeah for school starting again tomorrow!! Of course that means we all have to be up and ready to go by 8:00am (7:45 if Doug is taking them to school since he likes to be early), but it shouldn't be a problem.

The few days after New Year's were spent playing with friends. I think the girls played with almost all the kids they know in the neighborhood. They only missed 2 I think and they only missed them because the kids were always gone. Saturday started back dance rehearsals for Riley. I also managed to take Riley and Kamryn swimming on Saturday afternoon. They had been bugging me for days, so I finally gave in. We went to our gym which has a nice outdoor pool and even though it was only 75 degrees, we found the water to be really nice. We knew the pool was heated, but the water temp was a warm 83 degrees. Luckily, it wasn't that windy so getting out of the water wasn't as bad as it could have been. At least both girls can say they went swimming over the break.