In the span of about three weeks we had two
reunions with Doug's family. The first was over Thanksgiving weekend. At Thanksgiving, his mom and her sister and brother got the family (or some of it anyway) together in The Villages. While not all of the cousins and there families could attend, I still met some family that I have never met before (and Doug and I
have been married for 13 years). Due to our crazy schedules, we could only join them for the Saturday night dinner. We did get to spend some time with
Desta and her girls on Friday. It was fun seeing everyone and catching up with them.

Doug, his sister
Desta, his brother Vic, his mother
Jeryl and her husband Al and our families

The Cousins!

Riley and her cousin Peyton - they love to hand out together
Kamryn, Piper, Riley and Peyton
The second time we all got together was closer to Christmas. Doug's brother Girard was coming in from Thailand so Desta and the girls came back to Florida. I'm sure they were happy to escape cold, windy Chicago. At least we weren't having our super cold weather yet. We took the whole group (Vic, Josie, Heather, Austin, Desta, Peyton, Piper, Riley, Kamryn, and Doug and I) to Disney on our annual Christmas outing. We always go with Vic's family, but we have never gone with this many people. It was CRAZY!! We hit the Magic Kingdom and surprisingly did a lot considering the size of our group. We wanted to go to Hollywood studios too, but dinner reservations at BOMA won out. It was very long and fun day! Then, the next evening we all got together and celebrated Christmas, not to mention Vic and Girard's birthdays. We had a lot of fun, but unfortunately Doug's mom was sick and could not join us. We've never been together this close to Christmas and that made it even more special.
Kamryn and Heather

Girard blowing out his candles with
Kamryn and Piper watching

The cake for Vic and
Girard's girlfriend
crocheted this hat and scarf for
Kamryn - too cute