Well, another Easter has come and gone. While the girls did get baskets and new Easter dresses, we didn't make it to see the Easter Bunny and we also didn't go to an egg hunt this year. I thought I would just do one here, but I didn't even do that. We really tried to slim down (even though they did get baskets) and focus on Christ, the atonement, and the resurrection. While the kids did listen, they were really excited about their baskets. I didn't get any pictures of their baskets or anything. I did remember to snap a few pictures as we headed into church, but they were quick and while you can see their dresses, I don't think you can really see their hair. finding the right dresses took a little bit and even though I looked and looked, I still ended up with dresses that needed a shirt underneath or a sweater over the top. Both girls actually picked out their own dresses and they loved them!
After church (we actually left early) we went to meet the family for Easter brunch/lunch. It was great because almost all of us were here in FL. Only Girard was missing, but we made sure we called him later. We met at a restaurant in The Villages and then went to my in-laws for some family time. The kids got gift bags from their aunt, uncle and cousins from Ocala and Aunt Josie brought some eggs and toys that they had fun hiding and then finding. It was a really fun afternoon for everyone!